Category Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Stockpiling Relief Supplies with Takeo City in Preparation for Disasters
ActivityReport ReliefItems
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Middle School Students Visit Civic Force's Tokyo Office
ActivityReport News
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Civic Force Delivers Female Sanitary Items to Saga High School
ActivityReport News CorpCollaboration
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
DRR Workshop for Elementary School Students
News ActivityReport Training Event
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
【Event Report (2/2)】 Disaster Symposium 2023 - Leveraging the Private Sector
News ActivityReport ProvidingReliefItems Partnership
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Students from Nakano Middle School Visit Civic Force's Tokyo Office
ActivityReport News
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Civic Force Meets with Junior High School Students
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
Civic Force Organizes Mock Evacuation Center with Omachi Town
Training ActivityReport
Create emergency preparedness mechanism
New Disaster Assistance Project "ARROWS"
PressRelease ActivityReport
Click here to read articles before 2019. (You will be directed to the old website.)