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HOME NEWS 【Typhoon No.19】NPO Partner Project Launches to Support Disaster Recovery Efforts



【Typhoon No.19】NPO Partner Project Launches to Support Disaster Recovery Efforts


It has been 10 days since the onset of Typhoon No.19 (Hagibis). According to the news outlets, there are 86 deaths and 8 missing persons in 13 prefectures. In addition, 72,066 houses across Japan have been completely or partially destroyed, and the damage is seen across wide areas (As of October 24, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency).

In the midst of the aftermath, many volunteers are traveling to the affected areas from all over Japan to help clean-up the flooded houses. By October 22, 81 disaster volunteer centers have been established across 12 prefectures and a number of volunteers have been working tirelessly. Some businesses have organized a volunteer trip for their employees and rented charter buses. However, the affected areas still need more help. The Japan National Council of Social Welfare is asking for more volunteers regardless of areas of destination.

The joint emergency assistance team (Civic Force/A-PAD Japan/PWJ) is not only providing relief items needed at evacuation centers but also hoping to contribute to clean-up efforts in public buildings and to affected people remaining at home instead of staying at evacuation centers. The team has been leasing pressure washers to disaster volunteer centers in Nagano and the Tohoku regions and providing working gloves and masks needed during clean-up efforts.

Moreover, Civic Force has been conducting needs assessments since last week for NPO Partner Project and the Project is expected to kick off shortly. NPO Partner Project was launched in the wake of the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, assisting NPOs specializing in disaster assistance and local NPOs created for disaster recovery. The Project supported 37 organizations and 29 projects for the Great East Japan Earthquake and 10 organizations for the Kumamoto Earthquake and West Japan Floods. And now, at the areas severely affected by Typhoon Hagibis, Civic Force plans to collaborate with NPOs working for mid to long-term recovery and reconstruction efforts. Please stay connected with us for the details of the Project.