Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is Civic Force?

    Civic Force is an organization that provides timely and effective emergency response and coordinates with the private sector, NGOs, and local governments in large-scale disasters. Leveraging each stakeholders’ strengths and resources, Civic Force delivers the most needed assistance to the affected areas. Civic Force also supports building a disaster-resilient society by connecting affected communities and sharing lessons learned and best practices. Please visit to learn more.


  • How are our donations used?

    There are two types of donations: donations for specific projects/causes and general support to prepare for future disasters and other general activities.
    Donations for specific projects/causes support victims who are affected by disasters or emergencies. Examples include the Great East Japan Earthquake, heavy rain disasters in Kyushu, and COVID-19. Since March 2012, 15% of donations have been allocated to support general operating expenses and Civic Force’s core activities including disaster preparedness. Donation accounts for specific disasters in and outside Japan are opened as disasters occur and posted to our website.
    General donations are mainly used to conduct drill exercises, maintain our relief items stockpile, and manage the offices which are all critical to prepare for future disasters.

  • How do you report on your financial information?

    Financial statements outlining expenditure information on donation usage are published annually on our website.

  • Can I get a donation receipt?

    Donation receipt can be issued for donations made through bank transfers (including Japan Post Bank). Please fill out the donation receipt request form to receive the receipt by mail.

  • Do I get a tax deduction on the donation made through payroll deduction?

    In general, a tax deduction can be applied to a lump sum donation made by a company. Payroll deduction for an individual employee may not be possible, however, upon receiving the name of the employee and donation amount, Civic Force may be able to assist. Please contact Civic Force for more information.

  • Are donations made outside Japan eligible for tax deductions?

    Unfortunately, donations made outside Japan are not eligible for tax deductions.

  • I am interested in collecting donations for Civic Force by hosting charity events and donation canvassing. Do I need permission from Civic Force?

    Thank you very much! We would like to be notified in advance so that we can be aware of your support. For donation box installations, Civic Force could share a data file containing logos and brochures. Please send us a message with your name, organization/company, address, phone, email address, and planned donation box location(s) at (please replace # with @ before sending).

  • Civic I would like to sell goods and services and donate sales proceeds. Should I contact you in advance?

    Thank you very much! Depending on the timing of the sales, we may not be able to accept the proceeds. Please send us the following information in advance at (please replace # with @ before sending).
    Description of goods/services
    Sales amounts and donation amounts (or percentages)
    Duration and estimated date of donation payment

    Please visit our support page for more details.

  • What is the difference between Gison-kin and Kifu-kin (both are classified as donations)?

    Gison-kin is a direct cash distribution made to disaster victims while Kifu-kin is used to support the disaster-affected areas as a whole. Donations to Civic Force are categorized under Kifu-kin.

IN-KIND Gifts (supplies and volunteers)

  • Is Civic Force accepting in-kind donations?

    When a disaster occurs, based on the needs on the ground, Civic Force accepts in-kind donations (relief items) from our corporate partners. Please contact us in advance at (please replace # with @ before sending) if you are interested in in-kind donations.
    Civic Force is also participating in SEMA (Social Emergency Management Alliance). SEMA is a network of companies and NGOs that work together to quickly deliver relief items to disaster-affected areas.

  • Is Civic Force accepting volunteers?

    We are currently not accepting individual volunteers. However, a group of employees may be accommodated upon request.


  • Please tell us more about A-PAD Japan (Asia Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management), the entity Civic Force merged with in 2021.

    A-PAD Japan is a non-profit organization that provides emergency humanitarian assistance, disaster recovery, and disaster preparedness in and outside of Japan. Through their activities, A-PAD Japan aims to build a better Asia-Pacific region. In 2012, Civic Force took the lead in establishing a trans-national disaster aid alliance called the Asia-Pacific Alliance for Disaster Management (A-PAD). A-PAD Japan is the Japanese national platform established in Saga in 2015. A-PAD has six member countries (Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Philippines, and Bangladesh). Each country platform works with local businesses, NGOs, and governments.

    For more information, please read the merger announcement.