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【NPO Partner Projects】 Dental Care and Home Visits to Prevent Sickness and Isolation

The Noto floods in September dealt a further blow to the area as it was still in the midst of recovery and reconstruction. The victims admit that they don't know what to do anymore and that they feel like they’re going to break.

Civic Force has been supporting Noto since the earthquake early this year, and we are now supporting the affected areas by removing the soil and sand that flowed into houses and working to address local issues from a medium- to long-term perspective. 

In November, Civic Force will start a new NPO Partner Project with a volunteer group based in Ishikawa, Noto Sasaeeru. In Oku-Noto, Civic Force will work to safeguard the health of disaster victims and prevent them from becoming isolated.

Working with people with Disabilities and Temporary Housing


Noto Sasaeru is a group of volunteers whose members are based in the "Heart House" group home for people with disabilities in Kanazawa City. After the January earthquake, they announced that they would accept people with disabilities and their families who have difficulty living in evacuation shelters. They provide consultations and temporary care for people involved in welfare for people with disabilities.

Dental Care through Home Visits


Civic Force has been working to deliver supplies to Noto Sasaeer through the online matching platform "Good Links." In October an NPO Partner Project was launched to provide dental care at home for people with disabilities and the elderly, mainly in Wajima City and Suzu City.

There were few dentists and dental clinics in the Oku-Noto region even before the earthquake, but the situation has become even more serious since the disaster. As an increasing number of victims find themselves unable to receive medical treatment, the project works with doctors from within and outside Ishikawa Prefecture to visit people who have difficulty going to the dentist.

Preventing Isolation


The project also involves regular visits to temporary housing in Suzu City, and is committed to preventing the isolation of disaster victims. Noto Sasaeru will continue to hold regular events and dispatch volunteers to identify people in the so-called "gray zone" - those who show characteristics of developmental disorders but do not meet all of the diagnostic criteria - and those suspected of having dementia to connect them to appropriate support. 

"Many of the victims are living in temporary housing, but some were forced to move into housing complexes different from the people in their previous neighborhoods. Some people tend to stay at home due to the confusion and stress of building new relationships in a completely different environment. There is a continuing shortage of support staff making it difficult to provide detailed care, and there have already been cases of people dying alone in temporary housing. Therefore, an immediate response is required," said Kayo Yabushita, representative of Noto Support. She said she wants to keep an eye on people so they can live in peace.

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