Get Involved

Civic Force’s activities are made possible by your generous support.
Your donations will be used to prepare for future disasters and rapid lifesaving activities.

Donations to Civic Force are eligible for tax deduction in Japan. Please see more details here.

Donations for Specific Disaster Assistance Projects

  • Ongoing projects may be selected for donations. If you would like to specify which cause to support, please donate online, Furusato Nozei, or bank transfers. Only certain projects may be selected depending on the donation method.
  • Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses



GlobalGiving is a nonprofit organization that supports other nonprofits by connecting them to donors and companies. GlobalGiving provides a global crowdfunding platform and offers various payment options for donors including credit cards, gift cards, checks, stocks, and assets.

Global Giving


Benevity is a Canadian-based company that operates a charitable donation platform that facilitates donations from corporate partner employees and promotes volunteerism. Benevity supports certified organizations across the globe and Civic Force is also registered. Please consider supporting Civic Force through Benevity with your employees.




Civic Force is accepting donations online through Bokinchan.


After your donation through Bokinchan is deposited to Civic Force, the ten percent of the amount will be paid to the donation platform as a processing fee.

  • Only credit cards are accepted if you donate to general support on a recurring monthly basis.
  • Donations for general support are accepted via both one-time and monthly recurring credit card payments. Donations for specific causes are only accepted via one-time credit card payments.
  • For monthly supporters: in case of a lost credit card or your credit card information has changed, please re-register your monthly recurring donation.

Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax)

You can donate to Civic Force through Saga Prefecture’s Furusato Nozei. Ninety percent of your donation will go directly to Civic Force. For eligible donors, your donation amount minus 2,000 yen will be deducted from your following year’s residence and income taxes in Japan. Some donors may be eligible for a One Stop system in which municipalities file taxes on their behalf.

Donate without thank you gift

Donate with thank you gift

Bank Transfer

Donate to Specific Projects

2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • BranchAoyama
  • Account Number7027403
  • Beneficiary NameCivic Force
Japan Post
  • Account Number00140-6-361805
  • Beneficiary Name Civic Force

Please write “For 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake” in the memo section.

Platform「Good Links」

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • Branch Aoyama
  • Account Number 6953964
  • Beneficiary Name Civic Force
Japan Post
  • Account Number00140-6-361805
  • Beneficiary NameCivic Force

Please write “For Good Links” in the memo section.

Great East Japan Earthquake

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • Branch Aoyama
  • Account Number 6973031
  • Beneficiary Name Civic Force
Japan Post
  • Account Number00100-1-662850
  • Beneficiary NameCivic Force

Please write “For Great East Japan Earthquake” in the memo section.

Donate to Civic Force (general support)

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
  • BranchAoyama
  • Account Number6953964
  • Beneficiary NameCivic Force
Japan Post
  • Account Number00140-6-361805
  • Beneficiary NameCivic Force
  • For donation receipt, please fill out the donation receipt request form. It may take two to three weeks to receive the receipt.
  • Please note that 15% of your donation will be allocated to general operating expenses.

Other Ways to Give



SoftBank users can add their donations to their monthly cellphone bills. Non-SoftBank users may pay with credit cards.

  • SoftBank’s donation program is “Tsunagaru Donation.”
  • Donation receipts will not be issued for donations under this program.
  • Corporate users may not be eligible to donate through this program.
  • Donation amount is capped to 30,000 yen per month for both one-time and recurring monthly payments. Donations will not be subject to sales tax. Donations through this program are non-refundable.



Donate Goods/Services

アスクル「フェーズフリー認証 紙コップ」

Thanks to our corporate partners, a portion of profits will be donated to Civic Force by buying “goods with cause.”

Paper cups (Askul)


Shopping bags (HEADS)


Donate by Books

Donate through Charibon

You can sell your used books and donate the sales to Civic Force.

Donate through Charibon

Donate through Used Books Charity Donation

Donate Points

Yahoo! Donation (T-Points)

T-Points and other points can be donated to Civic Force starting from just 1 point.

Yahoo! Donation (T-Points)

EC Navi Smile Project

Donate with Moving Services


Portions of sales from moving services will be donated to Civic Force.

Heart Hikkoshi Center

Corporate Partners for Donate Goods/Services Please contact us at (please replace # with @ when sending a message) if you would like to participate in our Donate with Goods/Services program. Please provide us with the following information:

1. Description of goods/services

2. Sales amounts and donation amounts (or percentages)

3. Duration and estimated date of donation payment

Tax Incentives for Donations

Civic Force is registered as a specified public‐service promotion corporation under Japanese law. Donors are eligible for tax deductions.

Tax Deductions

Civic Force received a public interest certification from the Public Interest Certification Committee on December 25, 2009, and became a public interest incorporated association. As a specified public interest promotion corporation, our donors can receive a donation deduction. In addition, on July 15, 2011, Civic Force was certified with the tax credit by the Cabinet Office, and individual donors can choose either the "income deduction system" or the "tax credit system" to file a final tax return. A donation receipt issued by Civic Force is required to receive donation deductions and corporate tax benefits. (Please note that when applying for the tax credit system, a proof of tax credit is required in addition to the donation receipt).
Please print out Civic Force’s registration status and submit the tax credit certificate together with the donation receipt.
(Please ensure that the date on the donation receipt falls within the valid period listed in the registration status.)

Individual Donors

Individual donors may choose either the "income deduction system" or the "tax credit system". Please refer to the National Tax Agency’s website for more details.

  • Income Reduction System

    Deduction amount = (Donation amount OR 40% of income, whichever is smaller) - 2,000 yen

    The amount equal to multiplying the donation deduction amount by the income tax rate will be refunded in the final tax return.

  • Tax Credit System

    Deductible amount = {(Donation amount or 40% of income amount, whichever is smaller)-(2,000 yen)} x 40%

    The amount equal to multiplying the donation deduction amount by the income tax rate will be refunded in the final tax return.

Corporate Donors

Apart from general donations, corporate donors can deduct up to the amount based on the separate deduction limit. Please refer to the National Tax Agency website for more details.

Deduction limit for general donations = {(amount of capital, etc. x number of months in the current period / 12 x 2.5 / 1000) + (income x 2.5 / 100)} x 1/4

For donations to public interest promotion corporations, corporate donors may include up to the following limit in addition to the deduction limit for general donations.

Deductible limit = {(amount of capital, etc. x a number of months in the current period / 12 x 3.75 / 1000) + (amount of income x 6.25 / 100)} x 1/2

  • * The amount of capital, etc. is the total amount of the amount of capital and the amount of capital reserve. Please refer to the National Tax Agency website for more details.

Residence Tax

The donation deduction for residence tax is applied only when specified by the ordinance of each prefecture and municipality. For more details, please contact the prefecture and municipality where you live.

Inheritance Tax

If the inheritor donated to a public interest promotion corporation, the donated assets can be exempt from inheritance tax. However, this only applies if the donation was made by the deadline for filing the inheritance tax.