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News Newsletter

News Letter Vol.22 is Now Available

2020 is already coming to an end.

We began the year sincerely hoping for a year without disasters. However, a new threat called COVID-19 invaded our daily lives. The new virus not only paralyzed the economy but also forced us to change our behavior, our way of thinking and our society.

We at Civic Force have been confronting natural disasters for years, but the year 2020 forced us to face yet a new challenge. This summer in particular, as many areas in Japan were hit by heavy rains including Kumamoto, we faced a greater challenge. We had to protect ourselves and save as many lives as possible while maintaining the mobility of the team operating in the areas affected by the torrential rains and COVID-19.

In this last newsletter of the year, we report on the NPO Partner Projects that are ongoing in Kumamoto and Oita Prefectures, areas affected by the 2020 Kyushu heavy rains. We also report on a book café in Fukushima organized by writer Miri Yu, and four activities supporting the disaster-affected areas.


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