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    【Media】 7/8 - Civic Force Featured in EnGift Web

  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Stockpiling Relief Supplies with Takeo City in Preparation for Disasters

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 NPO Partner Project - Free Transportation Service

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    Civic Force at Policy Study Group with the Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture

Category 2020 July Heavy Rain

  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Donation Account Closed

  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Supports Community-Driven Disaster Recovery Efforts

    NPOPartnerProjects ActivityReport
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    NPO Partner Project Hosts Consultations for Housing Reconstruction

  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Newsletter Vol. 21 Now Available - Kyushu Heavy Rains amid COVID-19 Pandemic

    Newsletter ActivityReport
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Civic Force Provides Relief Items for Hot Weather

  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    COVID-19 Prevention Measures Taken by Staff Members

  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Civic Force's Emergency Team Rescues Stranded Victims and Pets

    IsolatedVillages ActivityReport
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    One Week Since the Disaster ― Updates on Assistance Activities

    IsolatedVillages InfectionPrevention EvacuationCenter MedicalAssistance ProvidingReliefItems ActivityReport
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    "There are Victims Who Have Not Yet Been Reached" - Online Press Conference

    Media ActivityReport
  • 2020 July Heavy Rain

    Rescue Operations to Evacuate Stranded Victims

    IsolatedVillages InfectionPrevention ProvidingReliefItems ActivityReport

    Click here to read articles before 2019. (You will be directed to the old website.)