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    News Letter Vol.34 is Now Available -One Year after Noto Peninsula Earthquake

  • Great East Japan Earthquake

    【Great East Japan Earthquake 14th Anniversary】Call for Entry - Tohoku Favorite Spot Award

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    【Interview Vol.1】NPO Partner Projects Supports Children in Ishikawa

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    【NPO Partner Projects】 Dental Care and Home Visits to Prevent Sickness and Isolation

Category Create emergency preparedness mechanism

  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Disaster Preparedness Event Held in Kochi - 562 Students Gathered

    Media Partnership
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Media】 8/13 Civic Force Featured in LINE Yahoo

    Training Partnership
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Stockpiling Relief Supplies with Takeo City in Preparation for Disasters

    ActivityReport ReliefItems
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Media】 Civic Force Featured in Forbes Japan

    News CorpCollaboration
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Middle School Students Visit Civic Force's Tokyo Office

    ActivityReport News
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Civic Force Delivers Female Sanitary Items to Saga High School

    ActivityReport News CorpCollaboration
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Corporate Sponsorship Opportunity】 Creating an Environment Where Girls and Women can Feel Safe at Evacuation Centers and Schools

    Media News Partnership
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    【Series - Disaster Preparedness】 Evacuation at Home

    Media News
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Baby Clothing Donated from Little Lions

    News Partnership
  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    DRR Workshop for Elementary School Students

    News ActivityReport Training Event

    Click here to read articles before 2019. (You will be directed to the old website.)