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    【Media】 7/8 - Civic Force Featured in EnGift Web

  • Create emergency preparedness mechanism

    Stockpiling Relief Supplies with Takeo City in Preparation for Disasters

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    【Noto Peninsula Earthquake】 NPO Partner Project - Free Transportation Service

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    Civic Force at Policy Study Group with the Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture

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  • 2021 August Heavy Rain (Kyushu)

    Taxi Vouchers Distributed in Omachi

    Transportation ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Civic Force Delivers Hot Meals for Children

    Transportation ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Transportation Service in Summer Heat

    Transportation SchoolSupplies ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Civic Force Distributes Free Taxi Vouchers at Evacuation Center

    Transportation ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Free Shuttle Bus Begins on July 23 (Nanao Danchi - Yugawara)

    Transportation PressRelease ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Free Ride Service Launches Today

    Transportation ActivityReport
  • 2021 July Heavy Rain (Atami)

    Transportation Service and School Supplies Distribution for Students

    Transportation SchoolSupplies PressRelease ActivityReport

    Click here to read articles before 2019. (You will be directed to the old website.)